Category: Roses

Carnation Cat and Roses
This artistic arrangement boasts 8 roses and traditional greens as a backdrop for the cat made from several white carnations resting at its base. Perfect for cat lovers.

Medium rose and lily bouquet
Featuring a healthy 1 and half dozen roses and lilies, this medium mixed bouquet makes a wonderful impact as a surprise gift for the loved ones in your life.

Medium mixed bouquet
This beautiful collection of spring colors brings delight to any occasion. Featuring a collection of roses and carnations in various colors as well as traditional greens and fern accents.

Small mixed rose bouquet
For the casual surprise, this multi-colored bouquet of roses features 6 roses of assorted colors and is accented with traditional greens.

Traditional Dozen Roses
Featuring 1 dozen roses against a bright collection of traditional greenery, this has long been the standard for romantic occasions, or just to show someone special that you care.

Large Rose Bouquet
Featuring 2 dozen roses against a bright collection of traditional greenery, this beautiful arrangement is a classic among special occasions, and everyday sentiments.
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Contact Us
Flower Stop can provide you with custom arrangements for any occasion. If you need help with planning or designing your event, or just don’t see what you’re looking for on our website, feel free to contact us with any questions and we will contact you as soon as we can. Phone 520-889-8440 or 520-806-9795